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May Faire

Please join us for our May Faire!

NEW DATE: Sunday, May 12th, 3–5pm, 4403 Oak Street, Dunsmuir

We'll make flower crowns and dance around the Maypole together. We'll also have facepainting, live music, and a potluck! Please bring a bunch (or a basket!) of flowers for our flower crowns, a dish to share, and plates/cups/utensils for your family. And feel free to bring friends!

What is a May Faire? 

May Day is celebrated in Waldorf schools around the world with a May Faire on/around May 1st, which is halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice. Historically, this day was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man as Beltane, one of the four major Celtic seasonal festivals. May Day was also celebrated by other ancient European cultures, including the Romans who celebrated the goddess Flora on the same day.

We hope to see you there! 

May 20

The Adventures of Huon of Bordeaux: NEW DATES TBA!